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MAKE A CONNECTION Acrobatic Salsa / Salsa Caleña By Duo Fabian&Angelica is accepting messages: Send Message

Acrobatic Salsa / Salsa Caleña By Duo Fabian&Angelica

Cali, Valle del Cauca

About Acrobatic Salsa / Salsa Caleña By Duo Fabian&Angelica

We  are a colombian duo of best friends Fabian Sierra and Angelica Salazar from the salsa capital CALI . Our story began as a teacher  and student,  we become those friends that connect from the first time, but when we started to work around the world we missed to each other and  we decided it was the time to  transform our friendship and be a team. We work hard to become dance partnerts and an aerial  duo, our main disciplines are : Acrobatic salsa ( salsa caleña style),duo of aerial hammock, acrodance(adagio) and latin dance

Contact Information

Company Name
Acrobatic Salsa / Salsa Caleña By Duo Fabian&Angelica
Cali, Valle del Cauca

Company Details