Mayra Alves Gomes, known as Triga N, is a multifaceted musician and DJ born in Argentina, yet deeply connected to her Brazilian roots. Born into a family of artists, dancers, and music enthusiasts, she absorbed influences from a myriad of musical genres, shaping her into a unique DJ with a distinctive style that defines each of her sets.
Her musical journey began at the age of 8, mastering instruments such as piano, guitar, violin, and drums. Transitioning into the electronic music scene in Rosario, she delved into musical production and event curation within the Electronic Under movement.
Triga Nigga's live sets defy genre classification, blending progressive sounds of funk and disco with rhythmic bases fusing Melodic Techno, Indie Dance, and various House variants. As a member of the MUG (Groove Movement of Rosario) and a key contributor to events like 3D cycle, Animal Soul, Madness Party, and Like Sugar, she leaves an indelible mark on the vibrant music scene.
Not just a talented DJ, Mayra is also the founder of the group Djs Mujeres y Disidencias from Argentina and a proud member of By Womans and Women and Dissidents Djs, adding her voice to the chorus of diversity within the Argentine music community.